Now this dish is a little special as this is the very first Raw Food dish that Hamish made for me, and he made it for me on our very first date!

We meet at Lorne and he took me to Teddy’s Lookout for a picnic and wooed me with his Bananas and Chocolate sauce!

At first I couldn’t believe I was eating that many Bananas ( I had just heard about Raw about 10 mins ago) but it was so yummy I couldn’t stop! That was the day I was first introduced to Raw Food. And here I am three years later with a beautiful baby girl and I am blogging about it and living it to the max.


You will need some yummy ripe Banana Chopped up in a bowl.

Sauce recipe


  • Blend all three ingredients above in a high speed blender until nice and smooth
  • Poor mixture over chopped bananas and ENJOY!