Tomato 'Tommy Toe' Heirloom Seeds
When to Plant
Zone 1: October -December
Zone 2: August - December
Zone 3: August -January
Zone 4: April -July
Tomatoes are very nitrogen- hungry, so prepare the soil by integrating nitrogen-rich pea or broad bean plants into your soil as a green manure. Alternatively, mix compost and chook manure through your patch a fortnight prior to planting.
Soil pH Level 5.5- 7.5
Choose a sunny, well-drained spot in your patch, preferably a place you haven‰۪t grown tomatoes in the previous season.
How to Plant
Propagate in seed trays. Tomatoes are suitable larger pots, but prefer an in-ground veggie patch. It‰۪s recommended to pinch out the first side shoots to encourage plant growth.
Spacing 40 -60 cm
Depth 0.5cm - 1cm
Companion Plants
Basil, Marigold
**Shipping - Not to Western Australia**