Vitamins / Homeopathy Remedies / Bach Flower Remedies Guide
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This unique 'Three In One' Guide provides an exciting overview of three subjects.
Vitamins at a Glance
This Guide provides a detailed overview of all the vitamins including, names, solubility, recommended daily allowance, cautions, signs of deficiency and best natural sources.
Homeopathy Remedies
The Guide presents the 36 most common homeopathic remedies in detail including botanical name, common name, key uses, personality type and general information.
Bach Flower Remedies
The Guide presents the 38 Bach essences in detail which includes botanical name, what to use for, Dr Bach's quotation and key aspects.
This Guide comprises of 8 x A4 pages. Each subject features two full pages. Printed in colour and protection coated on both sides. A most comprehensive and useful overview that should be part of every household.