Chia Seed Pudding

I often get asked what Issy eats breakfast – which often varies, but I do give her a chia seed pudding a few times a week. It is so easy to make. I make it just before I head to bed and by the morning its ready for a little miss Issy.

Issy has been eating chia seeds from about 12months.


Chia Seeds can be used in a few ways. Sprinkle a tablespoon of Chia seeds as a healthy topping for smoothies and raw cereals as well as puddings. Chia seeds can also be used as an egg replacement – simply mix in with water to form a gel to use in recipes that require eggs.

The other question I get asked a lot is ” What are Chia Seeds?

There are two different types of chia seeds – black and white – but in nutritional value they’re basically the same, the colour being the only notable difference.

Chia Seeds are a plant that a member of the herb family of mint.


What are the benefits of Chia Seeds?

  • High in Omega-3 – naturally occurring and the highest plant source available (omega-3 fatty acids are good for a healthy complexion, if you’re like me and vain enough to try it solely for that purpose)
  • Contains essential minerals – phosphorous, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc, iron
  • Contains vitamins A, B12 and C
  • A source of dietary fibre and protein
  • Are flavourless so won’t interfere with whatever you choose to add them with
  • Are gluten-free
  • Easily digested

So how do you make a Chia seed pudding!



  • 2 cups of Almond Milk
  • 1/4 cup of chia seeds


  • Place around 1/4 cup of chia seeds with 2 cups of Almond Milk
    GIve it a good stir then place in the fridge over night.
  • In the morning you have one yummy chia seed pudding! You can add your favorite fruits and nuts to bulk it up! With Issy I often just add fruit and a sprinkle of LSA.