Would you like to share your latest Raw or whole food recipe with us?


If you have a recipe which features  ingredients from The Raw Food Store, we'd love to hear about it and see some pictures! Email us at info@therawfoodstore.com.au with your recipe and photos and we'll get back to you about what we need to consider it for inclusion. Who knows what having your creations seen by thousands of people per month could lead to! 


Our Guest Chefs Include:


Eileen Sims - Raw Ambition

Eileen Sims founded Raw Ambition primarily as a raw cooking school, but also as a centre of nourishment for the mind, body and spirit. The aim is to create food that is as wholesome and nourishing as it is delicious and full of flavour. Eileen, a long distance triathlete,  has progressively become raw vegan over the last 20 years. Her long history in the food industry and her passion for helping people learn about making better choices to lead a healthier life is what drives Raw Ambition. She is committed to creating amazing food that will satisfy the fussiest eater, fuel the most competitive sportsperson and bring peace to the plates of those who struggle with their relationship with food.  Eileen is committed to helping people appreciate their beautiful bodies and how to supply them the very best, most nourishing foods.  Check out her ravings about the raw life and many other things on the blog. If you're keen to discover more, check out her amazing raw food classes here.
