Well to make things easy you really need to invest in a few essential items.. The biggest three things I feel you need are; cold press juicer, high powered blender and dehydrator. Sure you can live on fruit and vegetables but for someone coming from a SAD diet having these items will help you on your journey to stay high raw or to go 100% Raw.
Top 10 kitchen Essentials for your RAW FOOD Journey!
The staple high-speed blender for the raw foodist is the Optimum Blenders.
The Optimum is a piece of equipment that we use everyday. It’s powerful so whizzing up a ‘green smoothie’ by blending some spinach, banana will make the smoothest of smoothies!
It’s will also turn your nuts into cream in no time! So if you haven’t purchased a high speed blender then check out the different models at The Raw Food Mums Online store
The Excalibur Dehydrator is pretty much the staple of our Raw food Kitchen items. You can’t go pass the Excalibur dehydrator – These come in 5 and 9 trays. For a family I defiantly recommend the larger tray version and buy some extra reflex sheets!
You don’t have to have a dehydrator, you can use an oven, however the performance and end product will be completely different. You’ll be able to create crackers, breads, lots more desserts and the list goes on.
Issy has been having fresh green juice since she was about 9 months old ( 1/3 juice & 2/3 water) I still do dilute her juice now 1/2 juice 1/2 water at 18 months old.
Juicing is a great way for the body to assimilate all the vitamins, enzymes and nutrients. There are two types of juicers:
- Centrifugal juicers – these spin at high speed, tend to get less juice and nutrients out and can oxidise the juice quite quickly but they are generally less expensive and easy to buy from any department store.
- Cold press masticating juicers – These slowly grind the juice and don’t involve heat, therefore there is much less oxidation and more of the nutrients and juice is extracted. A cold press juicer is the only way to go here! There are a few which I have had experience with but currently we are using the Oscar 930 Pro Hurom Juicer.
A food processor is used for things such as breads, bliss balls, pates and cracker mixes. Items that can still have texture to them.
This is one of those items that you get what you pay for. I used a cheaper model for years and it lasted me really well, but they I moved up to the Cuisinart, which is more expensive, but also a really nice piece of kit to use on a daily basis.
A lot of people have had great success just using a very cheap blender.
Nut milk bags are great for making creamy nut milk. All you have to do is blend up 3 cups of water and 1 cup of almond or brazil nuts that have been soaked for 4 hours, then pour it into the nut milk bag and squeeze!
You’ll end up with a bag full of nut pulp that can be used in other recipes and a glass of beautiful nut milk that can be sweetened up and made into milkshakes, amongst other things.
6. A Mandoline
The Mandoline is a will allow you to turn things such as Sweet Potato into thin slices for yummy Raw Chips.
These are great for making ‘noodles’ or ‘spaghetti’ out of vegetables such as zucchini andcarrots. It’s the one tool you need for Raw Spaghetti. It can also make your dishes look fancy without too much effort.
8. A Sharp Knife & Good Chopping Board
By far the most important equipment you can get is a SHARP knife and a good chopping board. We only use wooden chopping boards, they are much more sustainable and nicer to cute your fruit and veggies on.
9. Stainless Steel Round Forms
These are fantastic for making raw cheeses. You can find them at most home ware stores.
10. Cake tins & Cup Cake molds.
Cake tines are a must for Raw Cakes! And I currently use the re-usable silicone cup cake molds. I personally cant stand seeing all that paper go to waste. I just ask people to leave the cup cakes molds behind.. wash them and we can use them again! simple!
So there you have it! These really are a must when you want to get your Raw Kitchen going!